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Welding Type Rolled Steel Apply Product Name Standard File
366 Flux Cored Wire 60kg/mm2. or more high tensile steel Dual Shield II 101H4M
365 Flux Cored Wire Low-temperature steel Dual Shield II 81-K2 야말
364 Flux Cored Wire Wrought steel and 50kg/mm2. self-shielded arc welding Coreshield 81T-8 Ni2
363 Flux Cored Wire Stainless steel Shield-Bright 2553
362 Flux Cored Wire Cryo-Shield DW
361 Soild Wire Aluminum alloy OK Alumarod 4043
360 Soild Wire Exaton SAFUREX
359 Submerged Flux and Wire Stoody 104
358 Flux Cored Wire Wrought steel and 50kg/mm2. high tensile steel Dual Shield Prime 71 H4
357 Flux Cored Wire Low-temperature steel Dual Shield Prime 81-K2LT

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